How to Know When to Replace an Old Spark Plug?

Spark plugs may look little but are one of the major reasons why a vehicle starts smoothly.

Most people who drive their vehicle and observe any problem in its starting procedures tend to think there may be some glitch in the battery that is causing the problem.

But, this may not be the case always, as the spark plugs of your vehicle do a big job. Taking care of their replacing, cleaning for, maintaining the good health of your vehicle is essential and a good spark plug does just that.

The following warning signals may indicate that your spark plugs need a replacement:

a. Starting Becomes a Troublesome Job

When starting your vehicle becomes difficult, it may be a sign that calls for attention especially changing your spark plugs. Since it is the spark plug that powers the engine of your vehicle, if your car is staying stalled while you are trying to turn it on, a problem might exist with the spark plugs or the spark plug wires may be damaged and require an urgent replacement.

b. The Fuel Consumption Has Gone High

If you have to fuel up your car way more often than the usual cycle of fueling you follow, it may be a sign that your spark plug may have deteriorated. When this happens, it decreases the fuel economy due to incomplete combustion. Hence, in such situations, changing your spark plugs is important.

c. Acceleration Doesn’t Happen

When acceleration doesn’t happen or takes longer than usual, it is a sign that the vehicle is performing poorly. Again, the issue is at the level of the spark plug and it is best to replace it as soon as possible. Some people think that a sluggish vehicle indicates a poor battery or engine. But in most cases, what the vehicle needs is a new spark plug.

d. Noise Alert

If the vehicle engine makes rattling sounds or knocking sounds, it is time to take a look at the spark plugs.

These signs may seem insignificant but are important to be paid heed to before things get too late to recover. But if paid attention to, it can ensure a healthy life for your vehicle.



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