How Spark Plug Eliminates Engine Misfire
A spark plug is an important part of the process of the ignition process. Without proper functioning of the spark plug, the engine won’t start and would affect the performance of your engine. They are a necessity for the smooth functioning of any vehicle. They deliver electric current from the ignition system to the combustion chamber which further helps to ignite the air/fuel mixture by creating a spark. When a spark plug fails to ignite or misfires, your vehicle will start to malfunction. The main symptom is it won’t start at all. There are times when your vehicle might face several problems during ignition. Your engine might also face stumbling and following this, a “check engine” light would start to blink. This indicates that your engine is misfiring. There are also circumstances where this misfiring will happen while you’re driving. This, in turn, will impair your driving ability. Once you start to experience this, you shouldn’t ignore this, as it can later create a problem for...